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Medical Transcription

Medical transcription is one of the fastest-growing profession in the country today.

Medical transcription offers excellent opportunity to housewives, ex-servicemen, graduate fresh or experienced, especially the newly passed ones. It is also a high income career for the graduates. You can even sit at your home and earn money from home feasibly through medical transcription career, and one can organize his/her own work timings and avoid travel to the works for and thus earn more than the usual office goers.

Nature of job, doctors will dictates the patients’ information, which we will receive in wave format through voice mail or dictaphone which consists of medical datas, which we have to type.

Transcription process is conversion of voice to electronic text form. As this process deals medical data documentation, so this is called medical transcription. The person who deals with medical data process is called Medical Transcriptionist.

Any person can do home based medical transcription program, those who are interested to learn, who able to grasp accents’ of dictators’ voice, who able to understand English, who able to form sentences grammatically and finally, who wants to earn money shortly from home or office.

There are many institutions that providing free home based medical transcription training through internet with their own “terms and condition” and time limits, duration. To avail home based medical transcription training you should computer laptop or desktop with UPS, phone and internet connection for communications. They would design the program accordingly where one can learn medical transcription from home.

Home based Medical transcription Training program duration may be 2 to 4 months.

After successful completion of home medical transcription training from institute based on your quality and quantity, you will be offered a home based job medical transcription immediately, and you are supposed to sign an agreement and can start medical transcription job from home and can start earning from home. Companies will provide you files through internet which has to be transcribed.

Based on your quality and quantity, remuneration will be fixed with incentives per month and remuneration will be gradually increased as your experience increases. One can start earn initially low, but gradually can increase with incentives as experience increases.

Quality - the document should be without error and should not commit error beyond the limit. Files should be submitted with minimum 90% accuracy to company by the medical transcriptionist and to the client, 99.5% accuracy after QC/QA. Quantity - a transcriptionist should be able to transcribe minimum of 350 lines per day, initially after successful training.

Main advantage of taking home based medical transcription work, one can organize their own work timings. They can reduce your traveling time 2 to 4 hours, so that can spend more time in working to earn more.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy and lysis of adhesions

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:                Ovarian cyst.

POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:           Ovarian cyst, left hemorrhagic ovarian cyst with pelvic adhesions.

PROCEDURE PERFORMED:                  Laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy and lysis of adhesions.

ANESTHESIA:                                             General.

EBL:                                                               None.

SPECIMEN SENT:                                                 Left fallopian tube and ovary.

URINE OUTPUT:                                        Clear yellow urine throughout course of procedure.

FINDINGS:                                                    Operative findings revealed a completely normal right fallopian tube and ovary with a Falope-ring noted on the right fallopian tube consistent with the patient’s history of previous tubal ligation.  The left fallopian tube and ovary were encompassed by a large 6 cm hemorrhagic cyst and adhesed to the left pelvic side wall and the pelvic cul-de-sac.

PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:                        The patient was taken to the operating room where she was identified as herself, placed in the dorsal lithotomy position.  After general anesthesia was administered without difficulty, she was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion with a 5-mm incision made in the umbilical fold and Veress needle introduced into the intraabdominal cavity where intraabdominal placement was confirmed by appropriate pressure reading.  The abdomen was insufflated with CO2 gas and the Veress needle was removed.  A 5-mm, 0-degree laparoscope was introduced with the findings noted above.  At this time, 2 further incisions were made in the left lower quadrant and the right lower quadrant respectively to accommodate a 10-mm trocar and a 5-mm trocar respectively under direct visualization lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels.  The patient was placed in steep Trendelenburg positioning with the bowel displaced superiorly.  At this time, attention was turned to judicious adhesiolysis of and around the left fallopian tube and ovarian cyst with the adhesions of the omentum and the bowel judiciously teased free utilizing the harmonic scalpel, and the infundibular pelvic ligament was able to be isolated and transected utilizing the harmonic scalpel.  The ovarian cyst was then again judiciously dissected free of its adhesions to the pelvic side wall until it was completely freed from its moorings in the pelvic cul-de-sac and the side wall.  The left fallopian tube and ovary replaced into a Endopouch and removed without difficulty through the left lower quadrant port site in the Endopouch.  At this time, the abdomen was copiously irrigated, cleared of all clots and debris with again the right ovary appearing completely normal and the abdomen completely hemostatic.  All instruments were subsequently removed from the patient’s abdomen.  The CO2 gas was expelled.  The 10-mm fascial defect in the left lower quadrant was closed with a 0-Vicryl interrupted stitch, and the patient’s 3 skin incisions were closed in a subcuticular fashion with 4-0 Monocryl.  The patient was taken to recovery room in stable awake condition with discharge home same day.

FOLLOWUP:  Follow up to be in our office in approximately 5 days with the patient to call for appointment and a script for Percocet given for pain.

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