POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Hemodialysis, chronic renal failure.
OPERATION PERFORMED: Insertion of a hemodialysis catheter via the right femoral vein.
ANESTHESIA: Xylocaine, 1% local.
INDICATIONS: Mr. Deandrade is a 58-year-old gentleman with hemodialysis-dependent end-stage renal disease, who
stopped his hemodialysis approximately 5-1/2 months ago. He began feeling not well approximately 2 weeks ago and
presented to the hospital yesterday. His BUN was 178 and a creatinine of 25.5. The Opti-Flow catheter was unable
to be flushed. Therefore, it was requested to put in a Quinton catheter stat. Consent was obtained.
PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: The patient was correctly identified as well as the procedure. The patient's right groin
area was shaved and prepped with chlorhexidine and draped sterilely. Xylocaine, 1% was infiltrated locally. The
right femoral vein was easily accessed _____ with an 18-gauge introducer needle. A guide wire was threaded and the
needle removed. The skin entry site was enlarged with the scalpel blade. Sequential dilators were advanced over
the guide wire. The Quinton catheter was then advanced into position and the guide wire removed. There was
excellent blood return from both ports. Both ports were flushed with saline solution. The catheter was secured
with nylon sutures.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
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